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Youth Centres & housing assocations

Youth Clubs and Housing Associations 


 We organise workshops and talks at for young women at Youth Centres and Housing Associations. 

Closing Gender Pay Gaps:

This seminar shows women how the world has changed and is changing teaching. It teachers young women what to do how to prepare and excel in the working world.

Female & Finance:

 A Fun & Fierce Finance literacy session giving facts and advice about personal and professional finance 


Innovative programme teaching students how to creatively & to be an effective problem solver in and future business owner.


Leading Ladies:

A leadership session focused on developing young females’ transferable skills, career knowledge & overall self-confidence

Industry-specific Panel Talks:

​We organise panel talks educating young women about different job roles and industries. 



Before the Girlboss programme I had troubles organising my time to plan my day-to-day events and I find that my schedules are often clashing. But after the programme I became much more organised and is capable of planning my time for my studies, friends, and myself. My advise to other entrepreneurs: 'Prepare before hand and have free time for yourself' because you can always make time!


My experience with Ms Independent Girl Boss summer program was very insightful and fun. I've learnt a lot about myself and what my personally is like. I've also learnt that there are many other personalities out there that I will encounter in my work life. In the program we also learnt the best way to write your cv and how to perform in interviews. This helped as I have never had an interview before and there are certain ways you should present yourself in order to get the job. The Girl Boss program had helped so much that now I know what I should and shouldn’t do. I am my own personal business and in the future I would have to network in order for my business to grow.


The program taught me all about setting goals and laying down practical steps in order to achieve them. I had learnt so much about myself and have developed a sense of independence. The girl boss program taught me different ways to communicate my ideas and how to ensure that I will be taken seriously regardless of my gender or age.

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